Short Film

Documentary Wedding Videographer

 Welcome to Fleur de Lys films, I’m a South Wales Wedding Videographer local to Cardiff, Cheltenham, Bristol, Cotswolds, Hereford and Tenby. The best moments of your day are real and not staged. Therefore we like to take a documentary style approach when it comes to filming your wedding day. This documentary approach allows couples to feel relaxed in front of the camera and enjoy the day. We will capture all aspects of your wedding day whilst remaining in the background.

All our wedding films are bespoke and edited to capture the personality of each couple. As standard coverage I will film your wedding day from bridal preparations to your first dance. Once I have captured enough footage of you and your guests partying I will leave you to enjoy the rest of your evening. If you need me to stay later to capture surprise events please just ask. I’m a licensed drone operator and where possible I will capture cinematic drone footage.

Wedding Videographer South Wales

Although Fleur de Lys Films is based in South Wales, we love to travel far and wide and can cater for jobs in almost every location. We offer three different packages but if you have any ideas on how you would like your wedding filmed and edited please let me know.

All of our packages include a main film, the speeches in full and the ceremony in full. The difference in packages is the style of edit you would prefer for your main wedding film. Highlights Film, Indie Film and Short Film.

The Highlights Film captures all the best moments of your day within a traditional 3-5 minute film edit.

The Indie Film focuses more on sound design, music and is edited in a non-liner 4-6 minute film edit.

The Short Film is our most popular option, which follows a documentary structure of your day in a 10-12 minute film edit.

Sant Ffraed House Wedding Videography – Steve & Sophie

Sant Ffraed House Wedding Videography Steve & Sophie   Short Film  Documentary Wedding Videographer  Welcome to Fleur de Lys films, I’m a South Wales Wedding Videographer local to Cardiff, Cheltenham, Bristol, Cotswolds, and Hereford. The best moments of your day...

Treberfydd House Wedding Videographer

Treberfydd House Wedding Videographer Ellie & Joe   Short Film  Documentary Wedding Videographer  Welcome to Fleur de Lys films, I’m a South Wales Wedding Videographer local to Cardiff, Cheltenham, Bristol, Cotswolds, and Hereford. The best moments of your day are...

Osea Island Wedding Videographer – LJ & Sophie

LJ & Sophie   Osea Island  Highlights Film 

Llanerch Vineyard Wedding Videographer – Josh & Georgia

Josh & Georgia  Llanerch Vineyard  Short Film 

Plas Dinam Country House Wedding Videographer – Henry & Rose

Henry & Rose  Plas Dinam Country House   Highlights Film 

Roshni & Vishal – Hindu Wedding

Roshni & Vishal Brangwyn Hall     Short Film